BENCHMARKS continued
'Fly me somewhere south of Suez, where the best is like the worst.
Where there ar'n't no ten commandments an' a man can raise a thirst.'
Kiplings words seem just as appropriate today in reference to Sub Saharan Africa as they did for Asia in his time.
And so it was that as Benchmarker was flying south towards the line, a group of the comrades - M.C., M.N. and P.G.R. - were motoring down to Wexford Town. Their primary mission - to check the availability and price of a suitable house there. However, Benchmarker had briefed them to be ever alert and ready to record any 'marks they might encounter. Maintaining a civil attitude towards each other, their trip was most productive, returning with a grand total of six 'marks. Three of these are reproduced below with the others to follow presently.
Below: The 'mark on Henrietta Street at the corner with Crescent Quay.

Above: The corner of Henrietta Street and Crescent Quay with the 'mark just to the left of the railings.
Below: The 'mark on Bride Street.

Above: The 'mark is at bottom left on this pillar outside the Church of the Assumption, Bride Street.
Below. The 'mark on Rowe Street.
Above: The 'mark is on this pillar outside the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rowe Street.