BENCHMARKS continued
Sometimes Benchmarker hankers fondly for the old days when benchmarks were found by a combination of blood, sweat and tears allied to instinct and good luck. Not like now were there are all them computer application thingies that almost lead you by the nose to where 'marks are nesting. So it made a refreshing change to scout out a couple of possible locations without any artificial aids on a recent trip from Dublin to Donegal. The first involved a detour off the bypass into the little village of Newtownstewart, and straight off the bat Benchmarker hit gold, a type off benchmark not encountered before. Its made of metal - perhaps brass - and is set into the front wall of the Presbyterian Church. Apparently it is of a type that was introduced in Northern Ireland in more recent years.
Below: The 'mark on the Presbyterian Church, Newtownstewart. N.B. the figures refer to the number of the 'mark, and not to the altitude.