The intention with this website is to locate at least 1,001 benchmark sites, or die in the attempt (no flowers please, house private). Photos of any benchmark sites found will be posted at intervals over the coming days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries ... Anyone who wishes to contribute can send photos and descriptions of any benchmarks they find and would like to have included here, to See post Number 1 for a fuller description.

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Thursday, November 3, 2011


BENCHMARKS continued

There's a hoary old quiz question which asks “Where in Dublin is Londonbridge?” And the answer obviously enough is: it's on Londonbridge Road. So now you know. Incidentally that's in the suburb of Irishtown. Interesting isn't it that there is an area of an Irish city that has a place called Irishtown. Wonder who lives in the rest of the city?

Below: The 'mark on Londonbridge Road.
Above: Another lovely, lovely picture from M.C. (That fellow has a really good camera eye; when he puts his mind to it!) It shows the 'mark on the bridge known as Londonbridge over the River Dodder, and that flying saucer type thingy is plonked down on the site of the sports stadium known as Landsdowne Road.

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