The intention with this website is to locate at least 1,001 benchmark sites, or die in the attempt (no flowers please, house private). Photos of any benchmark sites found will be posted at intervals over the coming days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries ... Anyone who wishes to contribute can send photos and descriptions of any benchmarks they find and would like to have included here, to See post Number 1 for a fuller description.

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Monday, March 4, 2013


BENCHMARKS continued

Perhaps inspired after attending a production of 'Cornerstones', M.C. suggested taking another look at a few of those locations which formerly had proved unfruitful. And so, with Benchmarker in the death seat, the automobile was guided south. First stop was at the Beggars Bush, a drinking den with which Benchmarker grew over-familiar in younger times. It appeared that little had changed there since those halcyon nights shooting for the treble-twenty. And just to show how good his aim is, M.C. scored a bulls-eye by unerringly zeroing-in on the 'mark on the perimeter wall of the Barracks.

Below: The 'mark on the perimeter wall of Beggars Bush Barracks, Haddington Road in Dublin.
 Above: Looking east on Haddington Road with the 'mark at bottom right.

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