BENCHMARKS continued
M.C. has a
lot of experience of being confronted with odd looks from passers-by,
and even members of the Garda, when involved in his benchmark hunting
duty. Their impression seems to
be that anyone going about studying the base of a wall must be a bit
soft in the head. Michael Byrne got a lesson in this particular
aspect of benchmark hunting in Edinburgh recently. Michael writes
“This 'mark would have escaped capture except that some passing
mongrel obligingly highlighted it making it so much easier to spot.
There is a very valuable lesson to be learned here too, for all
Benchmark Hunters who leave home without their chalk. While hunched
down taking the initial photo, I agonised over running after the guy
who passed by, to fully explain what I was up to, as I know he thinks
he has just seen a completely mental tourist taking photos of a dog
It is located on the
corner of Warrender Park Road, Edinburgh, Scotland, at it's junction
with Whitehouse Loan Junction. (as well as the usual terms like Road,
Park, Avenue etc, they have additional ones like Loan and Wynd to
name a few).”
Below: A 'mark on Warrender Park Road in Edinburgh,
Looking east down Warrender Park Road, at it's junction with
Whitehouse Loan. The 'mark is "highlighted" at bottom