The intention with this website is to locate at least 1,001 benchmark sites, or die in the attempt (no flowers please, house private). Photos of any benchmark sites found will be posted at intervals over the coming days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries ... Anyone who wishes to contribute can send photos and descriptions of any benchmarks they find and would like to have included here, to See post Number 1 for a fuller description.

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Thursday, July 7, 2011


BENCHMARKS continued

And so we come to a historic juncture - the 200th recorded benchmark. Da, daaa! Spotted by M.C on a joint safari, appropriately for its status as NUMBER 200, it is on a building at the entrance to the Ordnance Survey Headquarters in the Phoenix Park in Dublin. A brickie that, with its exact cuts, appears pristine. A truly lovely 'mark; we are not worthy.

Below: The 'mark at the entrance to the Ordnance Survey HQ in Dublin.

Above: The entrance to the Ordnance Survey HQ with the 'mark on the corner of the building at right, visible through the bars.


BENCHMARKS continued
The eighth and final one from Birr. It's on another Saint Brendan's Church (apparently there are a total of three), this time of the Protestant persuasion. This fine church is at the east end of Oxmantown Mall, perhaps the finest street in this fine town where the locals speak with the same attractive soft lilt as the natives of North Tipperary. And so Benchmarker bids adieu to lovely Birr with the fond hope that not many days will pass ere we meet again.

Below: The 'mark on Saint Brendan's Church.

Above: Saint Brendan's Church on Oxmantown Mall. The 'mark is around the corner immediately right of the entrance (not visible in photo).


BENCHMARKS continued
The seventh one from Birr. It's on a stone wall on Glebe Street.

Below: The 'mark on Glebe Street.

Above: Glebe Street looking north east. The 'mark is on the wall at right.


BENCHMARKS continued
The sixth one from Birr. It's on a building on Newbridge Street.

Below: The 'mark on Newbridge Street.
Above: Newbridge Street looking east. The 'mark is on the corner of the building at right.


BENCHMARKS continued
The fifth one from Birr. It's on Saint Brendan's R.C. Church on Wilmer Road.

Below: The 'mark on Saint Brendan's R.C. Church.
Above: Saint Brendan's R.C. Church. The 'mark is on the corner at left.


BENCHMARKS continued
The fourth one from Birr. It's on the wall of the bridge on Bridge Street.

Below: The 'mark on Bridge Street.

Above: Bridge Street looking towards Main Street. The 'mark is near the centre of the low wall.


BENCHMARKS continued
The third one from Birr. It's on the wall of a gateway to Birr Castle on Model School Road opposite the junction with Oxmantown Mall.

Below: The 'mark on Model School Road.
Above: The gateway to Birr Castle on Model School Road. The 'mark is on the wall at right.


BENCHMARKS continued
The second one from Birr. It's on the Model School on Model School Road.

Below: The 'mark on the Model School.
Above: The Model School. The 'mark is near the corner at bottom right.


BENCHMARKS continued
To Birr in June for a performance of Tu Dulce Etranjera - a one woman, one act play on the life of Josephine Bracken. While there, the fine old town offered up many benchmark treasures.
This one is on the Courthouse on Townsend Street.

Below: The 'mark on the Courthouse, Townsend Street, Birr, County Offaly.
Above: The Courthouse. The 'mark is on the railings wall at right.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


BENCHMARKS continued
This one is on the South Circular Road at Rialto in Dublin, on the corner with Church Avenue South.

Below: The 'mark on the South Circular Road at Rialto.
Above: The South Circular Road looking towards Dolphin's Barn with the 'mark at bottom left.


BENCHMARKS continued
This one is on Saint Columb's Hall on East Wall in Derry.

Below: The 'mark on Saint Columb's Hall.

Above: On East Wall in Derry City, looking south west with the Foyle Centre at left and the 'mark at bottom right.


BENCHMARKS continued
Benchmarker took a wee dander across the recently opened Peace Bridge in Derry. This pedestrian only bridge (O.K., you may push a cycle if you insist) links the west side of the Foyle near the Guildhall, with the Waterside area. This 'mark is on the corner of an accommodation block within what was formerly Ebrington Barracks on the east bank of the Foyle in Derry.

Below: The 'mark on an accommodation block in the former Ebrington Barracks.

Above: Within the former Ebrington Barracks looking south towards the exit to Saint Columb's Road with the 'mark at the bottom of the red brick building at right.

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