The intention with this website is to locate at least 1,001 benchmark sites, or die in the attempt (no flowers please, house private). Photos of any benchmark sites found will be posted at intervals over the coming days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries ... Anyone who wishes to contribute can send photos and descriptions of any benchmarks they find and would like to have included here, to See post Number 1 for a fuller description.

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Monday, May 24, 2010


BENCHMARKS continued
Benchmarker was a little bit unsure whether this was a true benchmark or just an accidental conjunction of indentations on the surface of the stone on the wall of Saint Lawrence's Church, Chapelizod in Dublin. (I suppose it could happen if for example an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of chisels and hammers were set to work on an infinite number of granite blocks in a parallel universe far, far away.) Because the gate was locked closed, it was impossible to get near for a close examination. But viewed using a telephoto lens it did seem to be the real deal. So, it goes in!

Above: Saint Lawrence's Church, Chapelizod, Dublin. The mark is on the base of the pillar to the left of the sign.

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