The intention with this website is to locate at least 1,001 benchmark sites, or die in the attempt (no flowers please, house private). Photos of any benchmark sites found will be posted at intervals over the coming days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries ... Anyone who wishes to contribute can send photos and descriptions of any benchmarks they find and would like to have included here, to See post Number 1 for a fuller description.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

NUMBER 82 & 83

BENCHMARKS continued
Of the many people (two!) who took up Benchmarker's request to forward pictures of any 'marks they might discover, one of the more avid has been - and continues to be - M.C. When he is not gazing at the stars, he can regularly be found walking along the footpaths of Dublin busily scanning the bases of walls, an activity that tends to draw suspicious looks from passing Garda.
Recently M.C. spotted these two. One is on the 'mile' marker on Templeogue Road, and the other is on Brighton Road at the corner with Terenure Road East.

Below: The 'mark on Templeogue Road, highlighted in yellow paint. Emmm .... wonder was it B.B.
Above: The 'mark on Brighton Road, highlighted in white paint. Emm ...... wonder does B.B. have two paint colours in his paint box.

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