The intention with this website is to locate at least 1,001 benchmark sites, or die in the attempt (no flowers please, house private). Photos of any benchmark sites found will be posted at intervals over the coming days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries ... Anyone who wishes to contribute can send photos and descriptions of any benchmarks they find and would like to have included here, to See post Number 1 for a fuller description.

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Thursday, March 3, 2011


BENCHMARKS continued

It was my fate at birth

To make my mark upon the earth.”

When the man who chiselled this 'mark upon the base of the railings of Saint Stephen's Green West, he would have done so unaware that it would later mark the Northern Terminal of the Luas Green Line. “That's what it is now!”

Below: The 'mark on the base of the railings. Note that there is no horizontal line carved above it; Benchmarker suspects that the top of the base wall substituted for this.

Above: St Stephen's Green West looking east towards Harcourt Street, with the 'mark at extreme left bottom, and the Luas Green Line terminal at right. In the middle distance a young couple mimic Bobby and Suzi as seen on the cover of "The Freewheelin' " LP.

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